Scheme #10067 Witch House

Description: Large and beautiful medieval witch house

Get .schematic Witch House file for Minecraft for free.

Total blocks: 11370

To build this model in Minecraft you will need next blocks:

- 2601 cube(s), Grass
- 185 cube(s), Clay
- 186 cube(s), Black
- 171 cube(s), Grass Block
- 160 cube(s), Bedrock
- 432 cube(s), Cobblestone
- 2006 cube(s), Wooden Planks
- 96 cube(s), White
- 134 cube(s), Purple
- 126 cube(s), Flesh
- 46 cube(s), Blue
- 2413 cube(s), Stone Bricks
- 855 cube(s), Wood
- 1669 cube(s), Wooden Planks
- 164 cube(s), Glass
- 6 cube(s), Redwood Stairs 3
- 9 cube(s), Mahogany
- 5 cube(s), Redwood Stairs 4
- 106 cube(s), Pillar