Some Dishes from Latvia: Sigulda and Surprise Salads, Housewife's Soup

Housewife's Soup

Ingredients for 2 portions
of Housewife's Soup

1½ lb carrots, potatoes,
cabbage, onions;
2-3 glasses meat stock;
3 tbs. sour cream;
or ½ glass cream

Prepare vegetables for cooking, boil in salted water. Sieve or pass through colander.
Add meat stock to make a thickish soup and bring to the boil. Add sour cream or cream. If using cream, bring soup to the boil again. Serve Housewife's Soup with croutons or rusks and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Sigulda Salad

Ingredients for 2 portions:
½ glass rice;
2 tbs. sour cream;
1 small apple;
2 small tomatoes;
1 ridge cucumber;
parsley and dill
according to taste

To cook salad Sigulda rinse boiled rice and mix in finely chopped parsley and dill. Slice tomatoes and apple and cut peeled cucumber into strips.
Tip rice into a salad bowl, arrange tomato, apple and cucumber round the edge, and before serving top with sour cream.

Salad Surprise

For 2 portions
of Salad Surprise
2 boiled beetroots;
2 apples;
12 walnuts;
4 tbs. mayonnaise;
parsley and dill
according to taste.

Coarsely grate boiled beetroot and peeled apple, mince nuts, mix in a salad bowl and add mayonnaise.
Before serving Surprise Salad sprinkle it with parsley and dill.

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