Antal Ligeti - Martonhegyi Road, Painting HQ Scan and Review

Artist: Antal Ligeti (1823-1890)

Painting: Martonhegyi Road, 1876
Oil, canvas, 58.5x94 cm
Signed bottom left: Ligeti Antal 1876
Purchased from Dr. Albert Madarassy in 1949
This picture reflects a complete understanding of Marko's approach to landscape. On both sides the foreground is framed by the thick foliage of trees. The subject is an everyday country scene; the background shows a view of a town in the misty distance. Though the composition is Classical, the content has undergone a transformation. What are painted are no more the actions or adventures of Greek deities, or scenes from the Bible, set in a country landscape, but the humdrum events of simple people's lives. The cart with the people seated in it and the countryman and woman with their heavy loads direct the attention to the hardships of life. The first rays of the rising sun bathe in a rosy light the sky above the remote city in the background - Pest-Buda - Castle Hill being clearly visible. A similar use of the effects of the rising or setting sun can also often be found in Marko's paintings.

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